Really enjoyed this post. Too late to get ready for the Kingdumb Hell now! :)
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
traditional English words and phrases.
by stan livedeath insomething i found on facebook..... a bit of interesting history reading .... enjoy ...they used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery.......if you had to do this to survive you were "piss poor".
but worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn't even afford to buy a pot......they "didn't have a pot to piss in" & were the lowest of the low.
the next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be.
"This Good news Of The Kingdom Will Be Preached In All The Inhabited Earth" ........
by smiddy3 in..".for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come" .matt.24:14.. the religion of jehovah`s witnesses kid themselves into thinking they are filling or have fulfilled this prophecy/scripture .. given that you take the jehovah`s witnesses and the international bible students association as one and the same religion , then they have been preaching their message primarily within lands that are predominantly christian based.....and certainly do not cover "all the inhabited earth " as their are many populous non christian nations nations that do not allow, even forbid any proselytizing in their lands.
i would estimate about one third of the current world population.. but that is not all .. given that you take the jehovah`s witnesses and the international bible students association as one and the same religion ,then they have about 140 years of preaching their beliefs to the public specifically to preach "this good news of the kingdom " as they claim to do in obedience to j.c.commands at matt.24:14.. take a survey no matter where you live on this planet earth of the people in your locality and if you asked them "what was the message jehovah`s witnesses left you and no one would be able to say "they told me about and explained to me the good news of the kingdom" and what it would mean to me.. no one would be able to say that .after 140 years of preaching and witnessing by what is now 8 million plus jehovah`s witnesses .. what a waste of time and energy and lives .. after 140 years of preaching what do the public know about jehovah`s witnesses ?.
they don`t take blood transfusions .
The Fall Guy
Colossians 1:23 - "The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul, have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it." (New Living Translation)
And shortly after Paul wrote this, the end which Jesus spoke about took place - in 70 C.E.
Even the org agrees that it had already been preached "worldwide":
w74 1/15 p. 61 - What did the apostle Paul mean when he indicated that the ‘good news was being preached in all creation under heaven’? - Col. 1:23. "...that the preaching was being pushed to all parts of the earth under heaven."
2 Tim 3:5
by Lost in the fog inthe organisation is very quick to point the finger at churches but gets aggressive if you point out that it equally applies to them.. here's an example : “having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power.”—2 timothy 3:5.. quote : bible truth has the power to change lives.
(ephesians 4:22-24) but some of the most ungodly acts take place under the veil of religion.
a tragic example is the sexual abuse of children by the clergy.
The Fall Guy
it-2 p. 206 Last Days - "The words “last days” or comparable expressions are sometimes used in connection with the apostasy that was to be experienced within the Christian congregation."
In other words, everything Paul wrote at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 was describing the situation of Christians.
Help: Anyone identify Gary Breaux's ring?
by Fay Dehr in.
can anyone identify this ring?
(ideally, a link to a page on the internet with photo and description).
The Fall Guy
What's with the sudden craze for bright hankies in the top pocket? I can remember hearing that such a thing (as well as pens) detracted from what the speaker was saying.
Since all the gibbering body do it, the lemmings are following the fad.
LEAK: 3000 buildings to liquidate. How to choose? (Watchtower propaganda video)
by Fay Dehr in
as the leaked financial meetings show, watchtower (by it's own admission) has to liquidate 3000+ properties quickly.
how do they choose?
The Fall Guy
Thanks Fay Dehr.
If a woman in a war zone is attractive/beautiful in appearance, then she is in serious trouble when "needy" combatants take notice of her.
Warning to JW's: Your KH's are now in a financial war zone.
If the KH where you worship is far more desirable (in $ value) than the other KH's in your area, bet on it that your KH is the one which will be sold off - soooooooooooooooon! (TM)
Helping my husband wake up, need advice.
by Whynot inmy husband is dfed but he is a prime example of someone who was a puppet for the watchtower.
i was able to wake him a little with the sex abuse scandal.
he was an elder and is very familiar with those rules.
The Fall Guy
Carefully select one of these 14 questions and ask him how he would answer - using his Bible, not the literature.
Should it be considered sexual harassment?
by Addison0998 inon thing that really makes me angry and disgusted is when i think of the way in the past that the elders pressured me over and over again to have a meeting with them over a petty make out and petting incident.
they asked such instrusive, personal questions like, “did he touch your breast, for how long?
under or over your clothes?” i know that this happens to thousands of people, especially young women, and it’s just not right, it makes me so angry that i almost feel tempted to confront the elder who especially did this, when i see him at the convention in a few weeks and tell him what a sick person he is and how much trauma he caused me, manipulating me and pressuring me to answer such instrusive questions while he sat there and took notes!!
The Fall Guy
Addison0998 - I'm sorry you've gone through the cult's star-chamber system, but hopefully you'll benefit from having shared it here.
You said, "It pisses me off so much how much power and influence they have over people."
Sorry to correct you, but you should have said, "It pisses me off so much how much power and influence people allow them to have over them."
When JW's waken up to the facts that -
a) they are not scripturally commanded to confess serious sins to any elders, and
b) that they are not scripturally commanded to discuss/reveal their private & personal issues with elders - that's when the elders lose their self-claimed & fictitious power over the congregations.
Create your own elder-firewall - "It's not something which I can/want to discuss at the moment, but if things change, I appreciate the fact that I can call on you for your help. Thank you, and goodbye, scumbag!"
Politely, but firmly, shut them out of your personal business - and your life!
Org's Data Protection Document - Question
by The Fall Guy inare "inactive" publishers being asked to sign it, or is it only for "active" ones?.
i haven't been troubled by any of the local jw stasi about it.
The Fall Guy
I haven't been to a "cover" meeting in months! I'd better show face soon. Maybe then they'll ask me to sign. :)
Org's Data Protection Document - Question
by The Fall Guy inare "inactive" publishers being asked to sign it, or is it only for "active" ones?.
i haven't been troubled by any of the local jw stasi about it.
The Fall Guy
Are "inactive" publishers being asked to sign it, or is it only for "active" ones?
I haven't been troubled by any of the local JW Stasi about it.
JWs & "generations"
by Magnum inwe all know what a mess the jw "generation" teachings have been.
but, there is one hard and fast truth concerning jws and "generations" - that is, that many generations of jws have died without the realization of the hope they were promised.. there were many before my grandfather's time, but i'm going to start with his.
his generation, his peers, lived at a time when jwdom was exciting, bold, confident, seemingly deeper and scholarly, seemingly genuinely concerned about the preaching work and saving lives.
The Fall Guy
The very first talk at the convention this year is now telling the present generation of JW's to expect the end soon.
JW's clearly believe that "soon" is a bungee word - it can be stretched to be as long as necessary.